Articulations and Pathways

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AIA has established Articulation and Pathways agreements with other education providers which specify the credit granted (Articulation) or evidence of English competency (Pathway) towards a higher education award offered by AIA. The arrangements provide students with the ability to transition smoothly from their Vocational or English courses into AIA higher education programs.

What is Articulation

Articulation refers to a transfer of a pre-approved amount of credit which is automatically granted toward an AIA higher education course. Pre-approved arrangements ensure that students receive the maximum credit available.

What is an English Pathway

English Pathways provide students with additional mechanisms to demonstrate their English competency for admission to AIA higher education courses. Students who successfully complete approved English Pathway courses will be able to use this as evidence of English proficiency.

Vocational Educatonal Provider /s

Articulation Provider Program PROGRAM CRICOS CODE Bachelor of Analytics Bachelor of Business Transformation
Diploma of Hospitality Management 111550B Unspecified Credits: 06* Unspecified Credits: 06*
Diploma of Business 107012G Unspecified Credits: 06*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 02*

Advanced Diploma of Business 107013F

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 01*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 02*

Diploma of Leadership and Management 104191A Unspecified Credits: 06*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 02*

Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management 107014E Unspecified Credits: 06*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 02*

Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) 107015D

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 01*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 02*

Graduate Diploma of Leadership and Management 104483M

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 01*

Unspecified Credits: 06*

Specified Credits: 01*