Bachelor of Analytics

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Course Description

The Bachelor of Analytics prepares students with the knowledge and skills to evaluate and apply different analytic tools to support decision making, including for organisational transformation. Students will have hands-on training in the use of different analytics tools, to optimise data assets, and to utilise predictive analytics to enhance business strategy and returns.

In this course, you will learn to gather and prepare data, extracting their meaning, to shape business strategy. You will gain skills in the use of analytical tools and techniques, to discover how data analytics can be applied in marketing, accounting, human resources management, logistics, manufacturing – just some examples of how business decisions can be disrupted by data-driven insights. For professionals looking to the future, now is the time to invest in learning the language of data.

AIA - SAS Joint Certification

The Analytics Institute of Australia offers the Bachelor of Analytics as a dual qualification. Nested within the Bachelor’s degree is an Academic Specialism of SAS. This means that upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Analytics, AIA graduates are also issued with a SAS Certificate and Credly Badge.
By using SAS in this course, AIA graduates will receive SAS certification as part of their qualification

Career Outcomes

As a AIA graduate, you’ll have the business mindset and practical experience needed to meet this demand and you will be able to participate ina variety of roles including:
  1. business analyst
  2. business intelligence specialist
  3. computer system analyst
  4. data analyst
  5. digital transformation consultant
  6. information analyst
  7. information manager/ officer
  8. market analyst
  9. predictive modeller
  10. business manager

Course Study Requirements

Each unit involves 12 hours of study per week, comprising 3 hours of facilitated study and 9 hours self-directed study.


In-class discussions, case study analysis, business report writing,
research work, practical problem-solving, team building, role-play, debates and self-reflections. In the final year of
the course, students will undertake a work-integrated learning unit (120 hours of work placement), designed to be a
capstone unit for the course. Assessment types include case studies, projects, reports and presentations, problem-solving, reflections and journals, tests and quizzes and a small number of examinations.

Admission and Entry Requirements

These requirements are applicable to you if you are an international student. This means you are a temporary resident (visa status) of  Australia, a permanent resident (visa status) of New Zealand, or a resident or citizen of any other country than Australia.

Admission Criteria

Applicants with recent secondary school education (within the past two years).

Note: If you do not meet the above criteria, then AIA considers successful completion of at least one unit of study in an accredited higher education program.

Further details are available in our Admissions and Enrolment Policy and Procedures and English Language Proficiency Policy.

Admission criteria can be satisfied through overseas issued qualifications which are deemed equivalent to accredited qualifications issued in Australia.

Entry Requirement

Study pre-requisiteStudies equivalent to Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) units 3 and 4 with a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL and units 3 and 4 with a study score of at least 20 in one of Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics.
Marks in final year of secondary school education

Equivalent to ATAR 60 (minimum).

(refer to ATAR Calculations for more information)

(Click to view ATAR Score Equivalency by Country)

Rankings and AdjustmentsEntry to this program is competitive. Eligible applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement plus any adjustment factors, including Educational Access Scheme and/or subject adjustments. We will consider your entire academic record to determine your eligibility for entry. The highest level of education you have previously completed will usually determine how you are ranked.
Credit and Recognition of Prior LearningCredit, recognition of prior learning, professional experience and accreditation from a professional body can reduce the duration of our study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant experience.
English Language Requirements

English proficiency can be demonstrated by an English proficiency test. Minimum requirement is IELTS 6.0 with no band less than 5.5 or equivalent.

(Click to understand other accepted forms of English testing)

These requirements are applicable to you if you are a Domestic student. This means you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident.

Admission Criteria

Applicants with recent secondary school education  (within the past two years).

Note: If you do not meet the above criteria, then AIA considers successful completion of at least one unit of study in an accredited higher education program or vocational education and training (VET) study.

Further details are available in our Admission and Enrolment Policy and Procedures and English Language Proficiency Policy.

Entry Requirements

Study pre-requisiteVictorian Certificate of Education (VCE) units 3 and 4 with a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL and units 3 and 4 with a study score of at least 20 in one of Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics.

60 (minimum).

Rankings and AdjustmentsEntry to this program is competitive. Eligible applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement plus any adjustment factors, including Educational Access Scheme and/or subject adjustments. We will consider your entire academic record to determine your eligibility for entry. The highest level of education you have previously completed will usually determine how you are ranked.
Credit and Recognition of Prior LearningCredit, recognition of prior learning, professional experience and accreditation from a professional body can reduce the duration of our study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant experience.
English Language RequirementsEnglish proficiency can be demonstrated by prior study in English.

Special Consideration

Applicants will be considered for admission based on special consideration or disadvantage who can demonstrate ability to undertake study at the required level.


This location is available to international students with a student visa and domestic students.

Classes will be conducted Face-to-Face at AIA’s Melbourne Campus.

Course CRICOS Code: 111123K


Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Select and apply the most appropriate data modelling tools to review, critically analyse and translate big data into business intelligence, drawing on their broad understanding of the context.
  2. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the role of data analytics in systems thinking to inform complex business decisions.
  3. Engage effectively and professionally in a workplace, demonstrating the ability to (a) collaborate within a team, (b) communicate clearly, coherently and independently.
  4. Demonstrate innovation and creativity, critical thinking, and professional judgement in analysing data to identify and solve problems.
  5. Engage with complex business scenarios to examine the professional and ethical implications in areas including privacy, data management, and the use of machine learning to inform business decisions.
  6. Demonstrate engagement in independent learning, maintaining currency and undertaking continuing professional development in their field.

Course Structure and Rules

Title of programBachelor of Analytics
Structure of program

The program structure is based on three levels with the following details:

  • Level 100 comprises 8 units of study, each of 10 credit points. A full-time student would complete this level over 3 trimesters therefore 80 credit points equates to 1 EFTSL.
  • Level 200 (as per Level 100)
  • Level 300 comprises 8 units of study, each of 10 credit points. A full-time student would complete this level over 3 trimesters therefore 80 credit points equates to 1 EFTSL.

This program includes a total of 24 units, of which 18 are Core and 6 Electives. Students have the option to select electives from an elective bank which includes level 100, 200 and 300 units.

The program structure, with recommended study pathway is noted below.

Core Units

Elective Bank

Materials and Resource Requirements

To undertake the Bachelor of Analytics, students will need to have a laptop computer, with following minimum requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GByte or more
  • Storage: 500 GByte SSD or higher
  • Graphics Card Memory: 2 GByte

Further information about Student IT Requirements can be found in the Bachelor of Analytics Handbook.