Our Mission
Our mission is to develop creative, ethical leaders and entrepreneurs who put a deep understanding of human behaviour and analytics to best use in the transformation of organisations.
We focus on the interface between human and machines- a space that has been called ‘data-humanism’- preparing graduates for where many future jobs will be.

As an Institute we value:
• Academic excellence in our students and staff;
• A culture of scholarship amongst forward-thinking and well-grounded teaching staff;
• High-quality, industry-relevant and practical courses;
• Agility and responsiveness to the needs of students and industry;
• Experiential learning that integrates the theory, techniques and practical context of each course area;
• The ethical use of analytics in society;
• The continuous improvement of customer, citizen and student experience through the human-centred use of data.
In our graduates we value:
• Analytical aptitude and appetite;
• Systems thinking;
• Digitally ethical, socially responsible and adaptive 21st Century citizens;
• Independent and lifelong learning;
• Strong communication skills;
• Creative and innovative problem-solving
Our Vision
AIA is a Student focused low-moderate risk, dynamic and growing boutique private education provider offering quality Bachelor qualifications in state-of-the-art facilities. AIA graduates will be making a contribution within the global workplace and will be recognised as creative, practical and ethical.
An employer of choice, AIA will harness the talent and passion of its people to be rated as a top five private higher education provider within its discipline area based on industry quality indicators.
The Institute is well-established in Melbourne and in a strong position to expand domestically and internationally via both self-managed campuses and strategic partnerships.
Everything that AIA does is working towards the long-term goal of becoming Australia’s Premier Institution for Analytics Education. This will be achieved when:
• AIA has the highest (IHE) brand association with Analytics education in Australia;
• AIA is the IHE market leader for Australian Analytics degrees;
• AIA is the top provider of analytics credentials and short courses for industry in Australia;
• AIA leads certification of Analytics practitioners in Australia

Our Rationale
The World Economic Forum, the OECD and many other global bodies predict that the world of work will change rapidly, as new technologies come on the scene and intermingle. In turn, people’s expectations of education and training are changing towards skills and knowledge that can help organisations pivot and grow as the 4th Industrial Revolution progresses. With machine and deep learning advances, many non-routine and non-repetitive tasks will be automated away. A new mix of skills, creativity and understanding will be required for many new and emerging occupations.
The global giants of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the new experience economy are platform and service-based companies whose business model is based upon insights from data and analytics. With data science itself becoming automated, what is needed are the skills to understand, synthesise and visualise data and then use that data to transform and create disruption. This is why creating insights for transformative decision-making is the central theme of the Analytics Institute of Australia.
The Analytics Institute of Australia will offer practical higher education, fully compliant with Australian Qualification Framework requirements and those of TEQSA.